Hi Catherine,

"I purchased this product Saturday. It never downloaded. The set up downloaded, but the product itself never downloaded. I have been trying to get in touch with ANYONE!!!."

It sounds as if you have purchased the programs from a dodgy seller. Sadly they reflect badly on OpenOffice.org, but they are no part of the group.

"I was sent an e-mail that said to go on: http://wwwOfficeBest Deal.com/ac9811htm to download etc, etc. I attempted to so and was unable to get onto this website. I feel that this is a rip off."

To download the programs free, you can follow the link bellow:


"I am now going to purchase word and excel because I need them for my new computer. I will be contacting my credit card company and letting them know about this transaction."

Save yourself a lot of money and give the download and programs a try first. You will be very happy that you did!

By all means contact your bank, and ask them to do a redraw for the amount charged. However it may be wise to contact the person/business that sold the programs to you, as they should be given the opportunity to refund you the purchase price.

Regards Peter :)
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