On 2008.01.23. 17:17, Twayne wrote:

Since there is no way to know who this is and he seems completely unknown to the group, I would simply ignore him, or if you know how to parse headers, issue a complaint if there are forgeries in any of the headers. Newsgroups are favorite plaes for robots and crawlers to scrape e-mail addresses. Since we have to use our real e-mail addresses it makes it easy for bots and crawlers to find the adresses if they get past the defenses in place, whatever they are. If the headers and the given address can be believed , and I think they can, the mail came from Taiwan (.tw). It appears he may not realize he's technically spamming but I've already received two of his mails, identical to your, and if I get a third I will LART him with prejudice unless there are no forged headers, in which case he'll get one more chance to stop mailing me along with a form not to him about his spamming.

i have received 3 or 4 emails of this type to my personal email, now this.
both from formatting and contents they seem very suspicious, more like an actual spam/scam.
quite annoying.

From the X-Headers, it looks like they use Ironport's Spamcop.net for spam detection, and that's a very useful outfit. They are good at stopping it, but not prefect; sometimes things get by them. The spam score appears they just barely scraped past the filters with the spams to the group. My advice right now would be to simply ignore it and delete/mark it read, since there's no way of knowing what the guy is recording in addition to his survey.



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