
Am Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:58:02 +0200
schrieb Шумаков <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Most values containing '-29' cause problem. I've tried to put my
> phone number '436-07-29' in this way and found out this bug. Cell
> formating as follows:
> Category: Number
> Format: Standard
> Language: Standard
> Format Code: Standard
> It would be very kind of you to explain me this in few words. Thanx. 

If you entered it in the above mentioned way, Calc converts this number
to a date. (It is a standardised way for writing dates, according to
ISO: year-month-day). 
Try to enter your phone number in this way: '436-07-29 
The apostroph at the beginning is important: Calc treats the following
number then as text and does not convert it. 

Hope this helps. 


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