2008/4/1, John Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have now installed OpenOffice 2.4, and wish to convert my documents
> from WordPerfect 6.0a ... does anyone know how I may achieve that?
> --
> John H Atkinson

Hello John,

You can open WP files in Writer. Don't know whether there is a batch
procedure to do them all in one go... (the Wizard Conversion for Docs only
works for StarOffice and MSOffice.)

Form the Migration Guide

What are the issues when migrating from
> WordPerfect to Writer?
> Can I open WordPerfect files in OOo?
> Yes, a WordPerfect filter is now available in the standard OpenOffice.org
> installation.
> What macros are available to make Writer work
> more like WordPerfect?
> Reveal codes
> OpenOffice.org's Writer does not have underlying codes in the same way
> that WordPerfect
> does. But a macro is being written that will allow you to work in a
> similar way to
> WordPerfect's reveal codes. See RevealCodes3.sxw available at
> http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/hillview/OOo/ for more information.
> Hanging indents
> The hanging indent concept in Writer is quite different from the concept
> used in WordPerfect.
> The best approach in OpenOffice.org is to use styles, but to ease the
> transition, see either
> AltKeyHandler.sxw or Indents.sxw available from
> http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/hillview/OOo/ for a macro that
> approximates WordPerfect's
> way of implementing hanging indents.

using dutch OOo 2.3 m221 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo SRC 680 m241 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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