Alexandro Colorado escribió:
This is a formal proposal to set up the certification project which
would be a dedicated space toward the certification moving out of the
Education project. We believe this will benefit the certification
efforts since it will gather more visibility to the project and also
better way to handle volunteers that want specifically see information
about the project. The goal fo the certification project is to create
and maintain a certification that respond to the needs of a
standardized qualification on the use of the office suite. The mission
statement of the project should be the followings:

 The Certification Project will develop and manage a
global skills-certification program through a network of training and
support partner organizations in both the private and public sector.
We will develop a set of skills standards as well as a flexible,
low-cost and culturally-neutral infrastructure for testing students
based on these standards. Our organizational partners will deliver the
tests and training, remitting a fee for every student that has
successfully passed their tests, and we will issue and maintain the
certifications. The program is designed to be operated on a
cost-recovery, non-profit basis (though we will certainly encourage
our partners to profit from the relationship with us). As a result
will will create a vibrant community of partners and advocates,
through a system that encourages private trainers while keeping OOo
programs competitive and relevant in local cultures and communities.

 To grow the acceptance and use of (OOo) by commercial
and institutional organizations that deploy office productivity

 To increase the numbers of people qualified to operate OOo software,
while developing a worldwide network of educational and service
organizations capable of providing support to organizations
considering the deployment of OOo.
 This will be done primarily through the creation of educational
standards related to OOo operation and administration, as well as an
infrastructure for providing certification testing based on those
standards. This will be done using methods designed to be as publicly
accessible, vendor-neutral, and culturally neutral as possible.

Please vote to fill out the protocol of the guidelines to set up a new project.


I thought this had already been approved.


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