Hello Juergen and everyone,

While I don't disagree with most of Juergen's conclusions, I would like to point out that the proposed project is the SOFTWARE we've written for the mouse, not the mouse hardware itself. To the extent that the OpenOfficeMouse concept was a marketing scheme, that has become irrelevant at this point since I have already agreed to the Community's request to change the name of the hardware as well as the color scheme. We will be making a public announcement about this in two weeks or so. We still plan to utilize the mouse as a vehicle for distributing the OOo application suite and we remain enthusiastic supporters of the OpenOffice.org Community. And to be honest, I'm still not sure which misconception amazed me more, the idea that OpenOffice.org was building mouse hardware or the notion that the mouse only worked with OpenOffice.org applications. Anyhow, after reading some of the comments on the proposal, it has become increasingly clear to me that we of the OpenOfficeMouse development team have failed to understand some of the differences between the way the Community projects operate compared to the way other open source projects do. Our reasoning was extremely simple and straightforward. We intend to release the software as open source when it is solid and fully functional, and we know it definitely has utility for other input devices that go well beyond our little mouse. Since the Community has a laudable commitment to addressing accessibility issues and was also contemplating major changes to its user interface at the time we first contacted John, Florian, and Elizabeth, we thought that our code might prove useful for at least one, and possibly both, of the groups working on those things. Essentially, we were thinking, "hey, this stuff works and if you've got a use for it, then please feel free to take it." While we do see how the software could be utilized to help further certain Community goals relating to interfaces, I will not hesitate to admit that we do not have any grand vision for the best way the Community can make that happen. So, in light of my improved understanding of the nature of the various OpenOffice.org projects, I find that I cannot disagree with those who don't see it as meeting the parameters of a proper Incubator Project.

So, perhaps the consensus will be that it simply doesn't fit. That's all right, but in any case, I would like the Community to understand that the proposal was more a consequence of the mouse than a marketing scheme for it and that it was mostly driven by our desire to contribute to a project from which we have derived great benefit.

Thank you,

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