My brief two cents on whitelists like spamarrest.

(Since I paying for my 6th? year)...

I'm sold should put more than a total
of 2 seconds of thought on whitelist stuff. Maybe 3 seconds is good

It does a great job of letting me run my personal domain and monitor
the wild world of email malware or spam. (98.x %)

And of course I have to treat spamarrest like any possibly dangerous
tool (hammer, gun, kitchen knife).

Simply put, should ingore poor whitelist mgt. Drop the account. cannot do anything to stop accidents with kitchen knifes for
the same reason (in my mind). It is another carbon unit mis-using
a powerful tool.

Shields up, defect and ingore.

I'll shut up now.

Only in the dictionary does success come before work.

Learn, Earn

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