BlankAs I recover from having to replace my harddrive I am using OpenOffice 
instead of the MS Office I was familiar with.

So far it works adequately with my existing WORD documents, but I'm at my wit's 
end trying to create new documents which should be a simple process.

For example, what used to be a simple task of copying text somewhere and then 
pasting into a new document does not yield something that has the original 
appearance.  It creates a weird "table" with unexpected formating, margins, and 
borders with no apparent tools to correct any of it.  I've done trial and error 
with various commands and just increased my frustration.  

Referring to the various "support" or "help" sites or forums just added to the 
nightmare as they seem unable to deal with the simplest item without bringing 
in all sorts of complicated options.  

Maybe I'm missing some basic key to understanding the Writer or text portion of 
OO?  It works great with my existing Excel spreadsheets, but I dread when I 
need to create new ones...will it be as mysterious as the simple creation of a 
document seems to be?

Can anyone help make simple tasks simple?

Frank S.

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