On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Peter Junge <p...@openoffice.org> wrote:

> Hi Drew,
> Andrew Jensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've installed the beta for RedOffice 4.5 under Ubuntu Lucid - seems to
>> run
>> well.
>> Now - anyone here know how I change to an English language pack?
> while I was working for RedOffice, the engineers tried to build an English
> version, but there were many issues related to the vertical concept of the
> toolbox which does hardly look pleasant with long horizontal strings at the
> visible elements. That's indeed a big advantage of Chinese characters.
> I hope Chao or Xiaohong will catch this thread and tell us if there's any
> progress.
> Best regards,
> Peter
Hello Peter,

hmm - well, I suppose the source, for the desktop version, is available
somewhere (have not been able to find that on the web site, or mention of it
in the web forum there, but then I'm using computer translation to read the
forum so might easily be missing the link).

Anyway - I was mostly just curious. (Actually this is the second time I've
tried to fire up the RedOffice applications).

I did try installing a few extensions:
MySQl native connector - fail version not supported (req. 3.1)
Sun Report Builder - fail version not supported (req 3.2 for current verson)
[ if I can find an old 3.0 version of the oxt I'll try that perhaps)
A few others that did install and run properly.

I've had an account on the RedOffice site for a while now and in their web
forum, so if I really feel like getting into this then that would be the
better place most likely.



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