Hi All,

I'm new to these lists.  I've been using the Development Versions of Openoffice for a couple of years now.  My OS is Opensolaris b134 for X86.

I have a couple of issues.  I noticed from my 3.2 production release I have some addition fonts I've added along the way.  So I figured now is the time to add these fonts to the development version, DEV300m79.  Yes I know it's not the latest, thats the next issue.  However, when I went to add fonts, the add fonts dialog is missing.


Was it moved or is this a bug.

The next issue,

I tried DEV300m80, I opened up my current document I was working on (a proposal, yes I know, don't use dev for production work) about 42 pages with the typical mix of images, numbering and table of contents.  I made a few changes to it saved it, then closed Openoffice m80 and restarted m80, went to open the save document and it was corrupt.  Opened backup version of my document, and did the same changes, the same problem when opening the document.  I had to go to the previous version, m79.

Anybody have any comments.  Am I posting to the correct forum?



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