Mark C. Miller wrote:
On 06/07/2010 05:15 PM, Barbara Duprey wrote:
By the way, many people have had serious layout problems when they go
from one version of MS Office to another, and some of the older MS
Office documents can't be read at all by the newer versions.

I've seen this comment here before about reverse compatibility with new MS Office products. I've never been able to pin it down. The Microsoft website will obviously not talk about it. It seems that for every reference I can find that brings this up, there is another saying that there is no problem.

I'd like to hear for sure what we're talking about.

If I can get specific information, it might help me convince my employer to look at OOo.



I think the part about not being able to read old formats would be pretty easy to back up, but I don't have specifics of layout issues version-to-version. I probably saw stuff in PC Magazine or somewhere that discussed it, and comments here from people who had trouble, but maybe somebody else can provide more definitive info.

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