On 08/25/2010 06:08 PM, William W. Austin wrote:
> On 2010-08-18 13:08:30, NoOp wrote:
>> Are both versions standard OOo versions, or is the Fedora the distro
>> (novell/go-oo) version?[1].
> (Apologies for the delay - had surgery in there most unexpectedly...)
> Both are the standard releases downloaded from the OOo website.

Hope you are feeling better :-)

I'll add the timings back:
                                        Fedora 13
                                        Linux           Windows 7
                                        --------------- ---------
Open (empty) writer screen                4.7            < 2
Load doc originally                      30.9              3.1
Save doc                                  3.9              4.2
Update TOC                              154.1            < 2
Send final page of doc to printer        29.8              2.8
Export .pdf file                        gave up*          29.5

This might be of interest:
quite dated, but might be informative.

It could also simply be a case of fonts... for instance I have several
hundred fonts in my linux (Ubuntu 10.4) linux system, but only the
primary base fonts on my Win7 test system. The difference between
startup times between the two are considerable. But if I try the same on
comparable systems (same system w/a testlinux on one partition & Win7 on
the other) the startup times are somewhat similar.

Also, the startup on Win7 looks a little suspect. The <2 sec looks to me
as if OOo has been closed and reopened within the 15 minute memory
timeout. For example, I can obtain the same on my linux systems if I
close OOo and then reopen. Not saying your timings aren't accurate, just
throwing in a few 'possible' variables to consider.

You might want to test also with 3.2.1:

Perhaps if we can find an appropriate large 'test' document (perhaps
this one with a master doc & 542 pages (spread amonst the various
chapters) & compare we might be able to do a comparative test.
Unfortunately I no longer have standard OOo 3.2.0 installed & only have
3.2.1. I can test on the laptop with a clean Ubuntu 10.04.1 (and no
additional fonts) and Win7 (again with no addional fonts) on the other
partition. Extract the zip file to a single folder & open via the
0200WG3WriterGuideOOo3.odm file.


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