On 10/14/2010 05:57 AM, Malte Timmermann wrote:
> It's not clear to me how contributions to LO will make their way to
> OpenOffice.org.
> For me, it looks very much one-way: LO grabbing a lot of stuff from OOo,
> but LO not contributing anything to OOo.

In the same hand it's not clear, to me, why OOo haven't taken advantage
of code contributions from others - go-oo for example... A prime example
of this is OOo's stance on not using, or offering gstreamer, and instead
insisting linux users using closed, old (2003), outdated, not-updated,
jmf instead for sound & video. In July it was announce that OOo will
finally support gstreamer:

[comments are necessary reading]


Supposedly OOo will have gstreamer in OOo 3.4? I see no sign of it in

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