Good morning.
Open Office 3 in the guide is wrong, the page 'calculated with the formulas',
the percentage, you explained, = A1 * 16% = 16% of a1.
the truth is, 16% * a1, a1 = 16% of a1.

nella guida di open office 3 è sbagliato,nella pagina 'calcolare con le formule',
la percentuale,voi spiegate,=a1*16% ,=16% di a1.
la verità è,16%*a1,,=16% di a1.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Monnier" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 5:31 AM
Subject: [discuss] Re: Adding languages to the "Tools => Language => For Selection" menu

Go into Tools > Selection > Font > Language (you may have to download
additional dictionaries, but they are available).

I mean if I select "More..." from the "Tools => Language => For Selection"
menu and then use the "Language" box in the "Font" pane, right?

Once you have added Spanish, it will always show up in your list.  (I
work with English, French, German and Hungarian).

In my experience a language only appears in the list if it appears in
the current document, or if it's my locale or my default language or my
GUI language.  So what you say above is not quite right: it will only
appear in the menu as long while you edit that document where you
applied this other language, and only as long as that language is used
somewhere in the document:
If I set Language to Spanish on a chunk of text, and then set it back to
English, then the menu again only shows French and English.

The best I could figure out for now is to carefully choose different
languages for the locale, the GUI, and the default document language,
which lets you "choose" up to 3 languages that will always appear in the
menu, but at the cost of influencing various aspects of the behavior.


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