
"sustainable" is important for me as a community.

Thanks all,

2011/3/23, Louis Suarez-Potts <lsuarezpo...@gmail.com>:
> All,
> On 2011-03-23, at 01:08 , Peter Junge wrote:
>> OpenOffice.org Community,
>> our long term friend and OOo contributer Kazunari Hirano from Japan
>> lives in Ichinoseki
>> (http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201103/18/84/a0005484_21312387.jpg), which
>> has been heavily shaken by the earthquake on March 11th. Ichinoseki is
>> also located in the direct back-country of the coast areas of
>> Rikuzentakada and Ofunato which have been devastated by the tsunami.
>> Hundred thousands of people lost their homes and are still in need of an
>> appropriate shelter. Now, Kazunari wants to prepare his little school as
>> an emergency accommodation for evacuees. For the details please read:
>> http://openoffice.exblog.jp/12298764/
>> What Kazunari needs most is money to take care of the expenses for his
>> generous venture. For this reason, we are collecting donations for
>> Kazunari using the channels of "Team OpenOffice.org e.V.". You can send
>> money via PayPal, credit card, bank transfer or check. For details
>> please refer:
>> http://contributing.openoffice.org/donate.html
>> Every donation, that indicates the intended purpose with "Earthquake
>> Japan" or similar keywords will go directly to Kazunari.
>> *Please help Kazunari to help others!*
>> This is a great opportunity to make donations for Japanese earthquake
>> victims, knowing where the money goes and as well avoiding loss due to
>> administrative expenses as they occur in larger relief organizations.
> I second Peter's request, via Khirano, and am glad to learn that not only is
> Khirano well, but that others involved in OpenOffice.org who live in Japan
> are also well. As many of you know, the Japanese OpenOffice.org community is
> one of the largest making up OpenOffice.org's global communities.
> Money is useful, but as recent reports have underscored, Japan is not Haiti,
> which a year ago, we recall, also suffered a devastating earthquake, and
> where Haiti constantly needs money, resources, and global attention, Japan's
> needs differ.
> But the larger issue, which by no means occludes the request forwarded by
> Khirano and presented here by Peter, is how can we, the OpenOffice.org
> community, working in concert with other Free and Open-Source communities
> around the world, help directly.
> I have been active in this effort and am seeking to help coordinate the
> global efforts so as to provide *effective* relief that is *community* based
> and that is *sustainable* as well as being *sustaining.*
> The distinction is that money is immensely useful and is always needed, but
> what really makes a difference that lasts is the establishment of community
> resources—informational, technological, personal—that allow the afflicted,
> the refugee, the deprived to gain from the global communities.
> I thank Peter for sending this out. I'll be issuing more information on how
> we, the OOo community and others, can complement the efforts outlined above
> with community action.
>> Best regards,
>> Peter (OpenOffice.org Marketing Project)
>> P.S.: Forwarding this call for donations is of course welcome.
> Best,
> Louis
> --
> Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
> Community Development Manager
> OpenOffice.org
> --
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* I recommend OpenOffice.org and ODF ! * :)
Katsuya Kobayashi ( http://www4.plala.or.jp/k21/ )
A member of OpenOffice.org Ja and Marketing Project.
kynh at openoffice.org
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