On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Andy Zhong <andy.zh...@live.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I use libreoffice for a long time and not use openoffice any more
> because of its bad polices about open sources.

Andy, I find it curious that you keep participating in an
openoffice.org mailing list, only to say that you don´t use it.

I don´t use "Libre" office because I want to stay as far as I can from
Novell and their cozy relationship with Microsoft. Nor do I want Mono
hooks showing up in my Office suite.

For the record, OpenOffice.org continues to be open source, under a
Free Softeare LGPL license, AFAIK.

In any case, to each his own, I guess...

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