On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:11 AM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:

> It's probably a bridge port on a Linux bridge.  You need to disable
> whatever is creating that and make it use Open vSwitch instead.
> You need to do that before anything else will make sense.

Thanks for answering my question, that's really help for me a lot, Ben.

After disable Linux bridge, it goes smoothly as I expect.

Here is my steps:

After the steps mention in INSTALL.Linux

$ ovs-vsctl list-br
to make sure there is no virtual bridge created by OVS

$ /sbin/ifconfig
then I got the devices info:
- eth0
- vif0.0

# su -

# ifconfig eth0

# ovs-vsctl add-br vbr0

# ovs-vsctl add-port vbr0 eth0

# ovs-vsctl add-port vbr0 vif0.0

--- for Static IP:

# ifconfig vbr0 aa.bb.cc.dd netmask up

# route add default gw aa.bb.cc.254

--- for DHCP:

# dhclient vbr0

then, follow the steps INSTALL.Bridge

Is these commands right for Dom-0's configuration?

If it were right for Dom-0, what will be my next step for Dom-U's network
configuration, any suggestion?

Again, thanks a lot !
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