Please see my response below.

> On Aug 9, 2016, at 1:02 AM, Randolph Hill <> wrote:
> New to setting up OVS with Vlans.
> I performed the following steps below. When I  boot a  vm/domain, during the 
> boot process the interface does not come up. 
> 1. ovs-vctl add-br ovsbr0
> 2. ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 eno1
> 3. ifconfig eno1 0
> 4. dhclient ovsbr0
> 5.  created the following network firm
>      <network>
>   <name>ovs-network</name>
>   <forward mode='bridge'/>
>   <bridge name='ovsbr0'/>
>   <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
>   <portgroup name='vlan-01' default='yes'>
>   </portgroup>
>   <portgroup name='vlan-02'>
>     <vlan>
>       <tag id='2'/>
>     </vlan>
>   </portgroup>
>   <portgroup name='vlan-03'>
>     <vlan>
>       <tag id='3'/>
>     </vlan>
>   </portgroup>
>   <portgroup name='vlan-all'>
>     <vlan trunk='yes'>
>       <tag id='2'/>
>       <tag id='3'/>
>     </vlan>
>   </portgroup>
> </network>
> 6. virsh net-define /var/tmp/ovs-network.xml
> 7.  virsh net-start ovs-network
> 8.  virsh net-autostart ovs-network
> 9. Added entry to domain configuration file:
>      <interface type='network'>
>       <mac address='52:54:00:63:e4:44'/>
>       <source network='ovs-network' portgroup='vlan-03'/>
>       <model type='virtio'/>
>       <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' 
> function='0x0'$
>     </interface>
> The domain proceeds boots after trying to bring up the interface for 3 
> minutes.  a virtual port is create vnet2.
> When I log into the domain, there is no IP address assigned.
> Am I missing something?

Everything seems OK, based on the information provided. Could you post the 
output of `ovs-vsctl show`, as well as the output of `ovs-vsctl list port 
vnet2` and `ovs-vsctl list port eno1`? BTW, I'm assuming that eno1 is your 
physical uplink, yes?

A few things you can check/verify:

- Is VLAN 3 actually tagged by the physical switch on the eno1 uplink?
- Has the eno1 link been set to UP using `ip link set eno1 up` (or the 


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