I never liked hungarian notation myself and avoided
using it even in the times when it was considered to
be a good practice. The problem with it is that it is
redundant ('int iValue' just says that the parameter
is integer twice) and quite vague in case of complex
types. Anyway, I still believe pre/post/in-fixing can
be used to communicate relevant information. For
example, using 'i' prefix for integers would help in
untyped languages. As the language is untyped,
compiler/interpreter offers no way to constrain
variable type. So we'll use 'i' prefix for all integer
variables. Type checking won't be automatic of course,
but once we'll see string being the value of variable
iSomething, we'll know it's a bug.

However, my point was completely different. Charles
asked about 'Mandarin-like programming language'
'Farsi-like' etc. as opposed to 'English-like'.
The example was supposed to show how an agglutination
(practice completely alien to English, but used
heavily in some non-indoeuropean langueages) is
actually used in such a mainstream code as windows
headers file.


--- Original message ---
Regarding the use of Hungarian notation, that is an
old practice that is
no longer recommended. You'll see the new naming
guidelines at

We observed lots of inconsistencies in the usage of
Hungarian notation
with the end result being that the original intention
for using
Hungarian (to communicate useful information about the
type of a
parameter or variable) could no longer be met.

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