
As part of a larger user-study for my thesis, I compared the two configurations of unless that you list. I found that users were significantly more accurate with the first form, where unless is at the end of the control structure. Please see hypothesis 3 in this paper:

J.F. Pane and B.A. Myers, "Tabular and Textual Methods for Selecting Objects from a Group," Proceedings of VL 2000: IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages, Seattle, WA: IEEE Computer Society, September 10-13 2000, pp. 157-164.


On 1/22/07, Russel Winder wrote:
Does anyone know if there is any research on the readability and
comprehensiblity of control structures such as:

        <statement> if <condition>
        <statement> unless <condition>

as compared to:

        if <condition> <statement>
        unless <condition> <statement>

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