[ Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be
interested ]

Dear All,

First of all, many thanks to everyone who has kindly completed
the questionnaire already. Your participation is much

We are however *still* looking for more university lecturers who
are teaching theoretical computer science (TCS) topics at an
undergraduate level or have done so in the past.

In order to participate in our study, we would ask you to to fill out a
questionnaire on theoretical computer science education.
It may take as much as 20-30 minutes to complete the questions
on this questionnaire, but you will be given a password which
allows you fill out the questionnaire in more than one session.
Please feel free to take as many sessions as you need to
complete the questions.

The questionnaire can be found here:

Our research is conducted in the context of the PhD project Learning
by Game-Building by Laura Hutchins-Korte. With the help of your
answers we are hoping to gain a better insight into the motivation of
students - both past and present - in studying theoretical computer
science at the undergraduate level. In particular, we are hoping to
find if any factors have a negative influence on student motivation in
this area and to evaluate selected teaching activities that may
minimise these factors and improve student motivation.

Thank you in advance for your participation (or else: apologies for the spam)!

Best Wishes,

// Laura Hutchins-Korte
// PhD Student (LFCS, ICCS)
// School of Informatics
// University of Edinburgh
// Scotland, UK
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