On 19 Sep 2007, at 17:58, Bennett Kankuzi wrote:

I am working on some research topic in  spreadsheets. One of the basic
questions in this research is  on the idea of goals in spreadsheets.
Since a spreadsheet is a program, it has to have high-level goals

Hello Bennet

Good for you. You will be pleased to know that there is previous relevant research. Besides the work of Margaret Burnett's team at OSU that Alan Blackwell mentioned, may I draw your attention to work in Finland by Jorma Sajaniemi and his colleagues, especially Markku Tukiainen:

Sajaniemi, J. (1989). Goals and Plans as a Basis for User Interfaces in Spreadsheet Calculation. West of East (eds. K. Pulliainen & H. Sihvo), The University of Joensuu, 129-140.

Sajaniemi, J., Tukiainen, M. (1996). Goals and Plans in Spreadsheets and Other Programming Tools (Extended Abstract). PPIG 8, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, (eds. P. Vanneste, K. Bertels, B. De Decker, J-M. Jaques), KaHo Sint Lieven, Belgium, 114-122.

Tukiainen, M., Sajaniemi, J. (1996). Spreadsheet Goal and Plan Catalog: Additive and Multiplicative Computational Goals and Plans in Spreadsheet Calculation. University of Joensuu, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report, Series A, Report A-1996-4.

The PPIG presentations can be downloaded from the PPIG website, and I am sure that Professor Sajaniemi would be delighted to send full versions of all relevant papers. His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Best wishes and good luck - I hope you'll make sure to give a PPIG paper on your findings in due course -

Thomas Green

Visiting Professor
University of Leeds

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