Hi again, Jerome. 

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Fist of all, I'm very unsure of the correctness of my
suggestions, I'm in a very early stage of looking at
this framework.

My implementation is basically a reimplementation of
the Sample application, with all objects stored
in-memory and lost upon restart. This means that I
haven't really thought through the implications of
using it with containers, databases, etc.

> Thanks for giving me an opportunity to discuss this
> important point. The
> idea of having a Resource.delete() method was a
> deliberate design choice on
> my behalf. I assumed that in most cases, the
> Resource instance would know
> how to delete itself:

The point that confuses me a bit is that locating an
object is done through findTarget in Handler (or
Finder), but changing, deleting and constructing
objects is meant to be done through the Resource. 

I'm at a bit of a crossroad whether I should override
the Handler methods for PUT, POST and DELETE, or have
a base class (Domain) inherit from AbstractResource
and keeping a static reference to my datasource.

Being able to do both is IMHO not a problem, just a
result of a flexible API. 

> I have planned to add some docs on this point for
> 1.0 release. Meanwhile,
> you can refer to this FAQ entry:
>       "How do I implement the traditional MVC pattern?"
>       http://www.restlet.org/faq#15

Thanks for your pointers!


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