Thanks Jerome, that helped a lot.

I still need a few clarifications, though:

> > So far so good, but what about  POSTs? Should the constructor 
> > check the 
> > method type, like so:
> > 
> >   public MyBeanResource(Context context, Request request, 
> > Response response){
> >       super(context,request,response);
> >       if (request.getMethod().equals(Method.GET)) {
> >         String name = request.getResourceRef().getLastSegment();
> >         myBean = new MyBean(name);
> >       } else {
> >         // it's a POST - nothing to do.
> >       }
> >     }
> > This doesn't sound right.
> Indeed this would be confusing. The method-based dispatching in the
> responsability of the caller, not the resource itself. Once the
> MyBeanResource instance is created, the Finder will introspect it to find
> the matching handle*() method based on the method name. Most of the common
> methods already have an implementation of handle*() on the base Resource
> class.

My question was more 'what the constructor should do for a PUT request?'
For a GET, it builds the resource (from the DB, filesystem, etc.) based on the 
URI. But this doesn't apply to a POST or a PUT. The constructor doesn't know
 the finder is building a MyResource instance to answer a PUT.

In the ch7 examples, UserResource's constructor behaves like all methods were
GETs: it always attempts to retrieve the username from the URI and -if it's not
null- it gets it from the DB. If the request is a PUT, it should not even 
attempt to retrieve the resource, as it doesn't exist
yet. How can the constructor decide what to do? 

> > But, how do I have access to the client's preferred variant 
> > (application/xml in
> > this case)?
> This is done automatically for you in the Resource.handleGet() method.

Oh, so if I want to return a representation of the object I've just created
in the post/put method I have to call handleGet():
     public void post(){
       [...] // create the resource
       // return a representation of the newly created resource:

Isn't that a bit confusing?

And what if I want to return the representation of another resource? 
For instance, a CAPTCHA the user must answer to confirm the creation of
the resource. It that case, I'd need to to know what is the client's
preferred variant.

> The confusion probably comes from the increased responsibility of Resource.
> In RC2, all the handle*() methods were implemented in the Handler.

It is still a bit confusing to me that a Representation inherits from Variant.
I'd tend to see the variant as an attribute of a representation (variant=type, 
The fact that you have to do a downcast in Resource.getRepresentation indicates
to me that something isn't quite right:

   public Representation getRepresentation(Variant variant) {
        Representation result = null;
        if (variant instanceof Representation) {
            result = (Representation) variant;
        return result;

In other words, I'm not sure this hierarchy respects the Liskov substitution 



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