Hi Philip,

Glups, I get as nervous as you... I think it's not possible, I will enter an issue for that. However, I may add something in order to help you. Is the "timezone" query parameter part of the resource identification? If not, you can remove it from the routing process (just keep "testapplication/users?email={email}") and still have easy access to all query parameters via the Request.getEntityAsForm() method.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau
ps : in matter of URI conception, I think I will always try to identify my resources without query. However, I'm not sure the query parameter should be considered optional.

See the URI rfc (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt)

** chapter 3.3 (p22)
The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical
form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component
(Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the
URI's scheme and naming authority (if any).
** chapter 3.4 (p22)
The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
data in the path component (Section 3.3), serves to identify a
resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
(if any).

Is there a particular reason why you are using query string parameters for your post attributes?

Hmm, I guess there's two issues here:

 (1) Is my example appropriate according to REST architectural principles?
 (2) How do you do order-independent multiple parameter processing in Restlet?

You make good points about (1), and I will ponder them.  I am still interested
in the answer to question (2), since I assume that we all agree that REST
architectural principles do not exclude the use of multiple query string
parameters in all situations.


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