Hi Erik

Actually, release 1.0.2 contains an inner http client planned to be released with Restlet 1.1. As the development of this client is not achieved, it has been decided to remove this useless code from release 1.0.3. Thus, when providing no client extensions, this inner client is detected when using release 1.0.2 (which leads to some bugs...) and is not detected with release 1.0.3 which leads to a correct error message stating that no client supports the HTTP protocol.

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Hello Erik,

your code seems ok, I just wonder if your classpath is correctly set.
I am able to reproduce your problem (with same post request with
netcat) when my classpath does not contain the httpclient extension

Hi Thierry,

Excellent, thank you! I’d thought I was including the extension; but
it seems it is a bad idea to upgrade to a new version while trying to
solve a problem. In 1.0.3 not including the extension gives you an
error, so I think I was using 1.0.2 & expecting an error message, not
a silent problem. Many thanks.

Erik Hetzner
;; Erik Hetzner, California Digital Library
;; gnupg key id: 1024D/01DB07E3

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