
I am also interested in incorporated APP client and server capabilities in our application. I have a couple of questions more so for Alex than Jerome.

1. From the little I've read on atomojo there seems to be a database dependency on the component. Is this still the case?

2. How much of the APP spec does the current version support? say in comparison to apache abdera.


Alex Milowski wrote:

On 5/3/07, Jerome Louvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Zsolt,

This extension already exists in SVN but needs to be completed. It has no
external dependency beside the Restlet API and is therefore very

Note that this extension only supports the Atom Feed Format (reading and
writing) but not the Atom Publishing Protocol itself. However, it should be quite straightforward to implement a full APP server based on it and on the
Restlet framework.

Yes, it is...

That's what I've been doing in my atomojo project:

I have an API based on restlet that should let you add my
APP implementation to any application.  Of course, it relies
upon the way I choose to implement the feed storage.

If you want to roll your own, it is quite straight forward to do with
the Restlet API.  There are a lot of details in the APP that you need to
consider, but getting something basic running isn't so hard.

--Alex Milowski

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