
I found your site from the site and I am definitely
interested in this API. Does your implementation support XMPP over HTTP?
We have considered using XMPP for getting access to "behind the
firewall" services as well...but there are cases where even normal
outbound ports besides port 80 or 443 are blocked.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Alex Milowski
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 10:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Xeerkat XMPP & Restlet
> I've finished integrating restlet & XMPP for my P2P computing 
> work.  You can now access restlets through XMPP.  That means 
> you can just write normal REST-style applications and access 
> them over XMPP.
> My current motivation for this (besides grid computing) is to 
> access services that are behind firewalls.  The service can 
> make a outbound connection to its XMPP server and that you 
> can communicate with it over XMPP.
> The project & alpha release is at:
> Also, if you just want to use the XMPP transport, you can use 
> the the "xeerkat"
> and "sxeerkat" protocols in your own application.  The 
> restlet-xmpp.jar file from the "restlet-xmpp" subproject 
> provides client and server connectors.  You'll need several 
> support jar files for the XMPP client code and XML support.
> Anyway, having the restlet API has greatly simplified this 
> P2P computing framework in that all you have to do is write a 
> restlet Application instance and you can write simple edge 
> services.  If you want to coordinate between peers, you need 
> to do a little more work inside that application but it isn't 
> rocket science like it was before.
> --Alex Milowski

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