Well, if you want to post-process a request in error, you need to distinguish that case from the case where you don't want to post- process in error.

Another problem is that the current doHandle() calls next.handle() and that doesn't return a boolean to indicate whether to do post- processing in error. So, even if you make doHandle() return a boolean, it's not clear what you return since it has no way to know whether it should continue (unless it checks the Status code).

There's also the case where, even if you return false from beforeHandle(), you might still want to call afterHandle(), no?

So if you really wanted to cover all cases, you'd have to do something like:

    boolean beforeSucceeded = beforeHandle( request, response );
    if ( beforeSucceeded )
        doHandle( request, response );
    afterHandle( beforeSucceeded, request, response );

If you don't want to post-process, then the implementation of afterHandle() can check the Status code itself and do nothing on error.

The added parameter of beforeSucceeded to afterHandle() would be needed to distinguish the case where beforeHandle() failed (and thus doHandle() was never called) vs. doHandle() failing.

- Paul

On Jan 10, 2008, at 12:08 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

You expose a good use case. The solution below has some drawbacks because you might want to post-process a request in error, for example to add a status representation like the StatusFilter do in NRE. Even the proposed test on doHandle() could be limiting (even if it does solve your issue).

Here is what I propose : let's add boolean return parameters to beforeHandle() and doHandle() that will determine whether the processing should continue with doHandle() or afterHandle() respectively. We can make this backward compatible easily and add it to 1.1 M2.

How does it sounds?

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