Hi All,

I am working a simple Groovy
Builder<http://groovy.codehaus.org/GroovyMarkup>for Restlet, which
intends to create a complex Restlet application using a
simple shortcutting syntax. Also this builder is trying to support smooth
Spring integration.

Here is a short example

> builder.component{
>     current.servers.add(protocol.HTTP, 8182)
>     application(uri:""){
>         router{
>             def guard = guard(uri:"/docs", scheme:challengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC,
>                     realm:"Restlet Tutorials")
>             guard.secrets.put("scott", "tiger".toCharArray())
>             guard.next = directory(root:"", autoAttach:false)
>             restlet(uri:"/users/{user}", handle:{req,resp->
>                 resp.setEntity("Account of user 
> \"${req.attributes.get('user')}\"",
>                         mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
>             })
>             restlet(uri:"/users/{user}/orders", handle:{req, resp->
>                 resp.setEntity("Orders or user 
> \"${req.attributes.get('user')}\"",
>                         mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
>             })
>             restlet(uri:"/users/{user}/orders/{order}", handle:{req, resp->
>                 def attrs = req.attributes
>                 def message = "Order \"${attrs.get('order')}\" for User 
> \"${attrs.get('user')}\""
>                 resp.setEntity(message, mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
>             })
>         }
>     }
> }.start()
> For more detail, please visit project site
http://code.google.com/p/groovy-restlet/. More examples are provided.

I am not sure whether this would be a nice idea, any comments and
suggestions are highly appreciated.

We paranoid love life

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