Apologies for starting a new post on an existing thread but 
everytime I try and follow up I get a top posting error.

Here is the thread on the issue


Thanks for the reply.

I tried mapping to something specific and it still does not 
work, 404 error.

I set up a route like so


and set up a mapping in the web.xml like so


I tried the URLs /testServlet/dog and also /testServlet/testServlet/dog 
and no luck.

The only way it appears to work is if attachDefault is used with 
a url-pattern of /*

Does anyone have an example of a route and url-pattern that they know works on
their setup?


Hi Ted,

What Stephan was pointing out is that that _won't_ happen because the  
container will continue to route requests to the other servlets --  
even if your restlet servlet wanted to handle the other requests, it  
won't ever see them.

I'm not sure, but if I had to guess I'd suggest that your problem is  
that your servlet was mapped to /testServlet/* and you were trying to  
request /testServlet.  The containers I've used (okay, just Tomcat)  
are very literal minded.  Try requesting /testServlet/ or /testServlet/ 


Helo TA,

try to request /testServlet/testServlet/*, because you give the 
"testServlet" double: one times in the web.xml and one times while 
attaching to the router. I think, you should remove the "testServlet" 
from the attach method.

best regards

New user and I'm playing around with the firstStepsApplication using it in a
tomcat web container.

I'm trying to play with the routing.

Instead of 

  Router router = new Router(getContext());

I'm trying to do


and correspondingly, I've changed the entry in web.xml





and I can't get it to work, keep getting 404 error.

I don't want to default route to the app for all URIs in the url mapping, just
ones that start with /testServlet

Appreciate any help.


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