Hi there,
I have been using the SpringApplication and extended it to look like 

public class TestRestApplication extends SpringApplication {

        public static GeneralDao dao;

        public TestRestApplication(Component comp) {

        public void setGeneralDao(GeneralDao dao) {
                this.dao = dao;

And registered that in the Spring context.xml using 
<bean id="restApplication" scope="singleton"
                <constructor-arg ref="restComponent" />
                <property name="root">
                        <bean class="org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringRouter">
                                <constructor-arg ref="restApplication" />
                                <property name="attachments">
                                     <entry key="/v1/issue/new/" 
                <property name="generalDao" ref="generalDao"/>

but now the super constructor seems to be private. How is this class now
supposed to be used?

Thanks for any hints


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