
I've been looking at getting the preferred locale and I have a couple of questions.

I see that getPreferredVariant() uses apaches content negotiation algorithm (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/en/content-negotiation.html#algorithm) which includes using the Accept-Language header:

"|Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5"

I'm unsure how (if) this comes into play or how to use it to get the preferred language.

I added Language.FRENCH only to a variant and added it to Resource.getVariants() thinking it may use it in content negotiation, it seems not.

If this worked as expected I propose a method like Resource.||getPreferredVariant().getPreferredLanguage()|| to get the preferred locale.|||
|| If the client's language does not match then 406 or use a default language. Make it backwards compatible by only using that algorithm when languages are set?

Any help, thoughts appreciated



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