Hello, I'm trying to do something similar, parsing the path-components of an URI to create a kind of query. I dont know the count,type or order of the parameters (the path-components) of this query at compile-time so I thought about creating the query on the fly with chained routers and extending the query at each step.

Anyway, I have my reasons not to use query-parameters for this (because theres hypermedia with info/links to further application states involved at each resource-step) and want to dynamically collect the semantic of the query at each path-step.

Could you please provide me with a code-snippet how you did it Sanjay, because I think thats very close to the thing I would need ....


Sanjay Acharya schrieb:
Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have actually subclassed the Router class and 
overriden the getNext() method to provide me the URI. I am storing the partial 
uri in the case of router chaining to and finally aggregating the same.

Thanks again.

To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:38:19 +0200
Subject: RE: Tracking Request and Patterns

Hi Sanjay,

Here is another idea:
1) Create a subclass of the Route class (which is a Filter) and add the
logic to save the URI template in each request handled. You have access to
the template via the Route.getTemplate() method.

2) Create a subclass the Router class and override the createRoute(String
uriTemplate, Restlet target) to return instances of your Route subclass.

3) Use your Router subclass instead of normal Router instances.

That's all you should need! :)

Best regards,
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Sanjay Acharya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mardi 8 avril 2008 17:43
À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
Objet : Tracking Request and Patterns

I am trying to develop a tracker to determine which pattern uri of a restlet service has been invoked. For example, an OrderApplication may support: /order /order/{orderId}
I would like to be able to intercept a request and place the pattern uri (example:/order/{orderId}) into the request object so that I might be able to use it later for tracking purpose. For example, being able to use the the result that I place in the request within a Tomcat Valve or Filter: I am searching for the best place to handle this. My first thought was to extend the Application class by providing a custom AbstractApplication that would do the following: public abstract class MyApplication extends Application { public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
    super.handle(request, response);
    Restlet root = super.getRoot();
if (! (root instanceof Router)) {
Router router = (Router) root;
    RouteList rlist = router.getRoutes();
Route route = rlist.getBest(request, response, router.getRequiredScore());
    Template t = route.getTemplate();
    String servicedPattern = t.getPattern();
Map attributes = new HashMap(); attribues.put("SERVICED_PATTERN", servicedPattern); // Place the pattern serviced in the request so that it may be extracted later. request.setAttributes(attributes);
I however do not believe the above is the correct place for this sort of tracking as the above code assumes that the routers are not chained. Further placing I am not sure whether placing objects in org.restlet.data.Request will be available after the restlet finishes the processing, something I have yet to try. Any suggestions/thoughts/experiences with where the best place to plugin this tracking information would be appreciated. Regards,

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