Hello Mike,

The problem is that when I try process it on the server side as a Resource the
entity.getText() returns NULL.

you can only only get or write the entity's content once. The reason is that this representation is read from a socket which can only be read once. However, you can store it in a String, then log the string, create your StringReader, etc:

public void acceptRepresentation(Representation entity)
                throws ResourceException {              
try {
String entityText = entity.getText();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(entityText);

Could you tell us what happens?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I am trying to use XmlBeans with Restlet and am having issues. I am creating an
XmlBeans document and posting the xml document as follows:

AugmentedTypesDocument document = AugmentedTypesDocument.Factory.newInstance(xmlo);
TeoTermsType saturatedTypes = document.addNewAugmentedTypes();
for (String subject : subjects) {
        TeoTerm teoTerm = saturatedTypes.addNewTeoTerm();

Representation xml = createDomRepresentation(document);
Reference ref = dataSourceUri.clone().addSegment(types);
response = client.post(ref, xml);

//  creating the DOM
public static Representation createDomRepresentation(XmlObject xmlObject) throws
        ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {

        XmlOptions xmlo = new XmlOptions();
//              xmlo.setSavePrettyPrint();

DomRepresentation using\n %s", xmlObject.xmlText(xmlo)));
                DomRepresentation representation = new 

                // Generate a DOM document representing the data source uris.
                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = 
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = (Document) builder.parse(new InputSource(new

                // Returns the XML representation of this document.
                return representation;

The problem is that when I try process it on the server side as a Resource the
entity.getText() returns NULL.

public void acceptRepresentation(Representation entity)
                throws ResourceException {              
try {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(entity.getText());
TeoTermsType termsType = TeoTermsType.Factory.parse(reader);                    

It looks like the XML is being sent (looked at using TCPMon), but the Resource
doesn't receive it correctly.

Thanks in advance,

PS - Great library!

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