I did a quick test, and formatted up my own HTTP request manually.
I put in the PUT verb and the resource URI, the headers, and the data.
Apache doesn't provide the data in the post data. It does pass these in when i change the verb to POST.

Could this be an Apache thing? This is making the implementation of true REST calls very difficult for me.

"Marcus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey all,

I did research into Restlet at the beginning of this year and really liked it. It tought me a lot about REST in general, but my boss decided that for the mean time we would implement our REST services in PHP, and slowly migrate modules across to Java at a later date.

Regardless, I figured that this forum would be a good place to ask the following question:

I have encountered an issue with using cURL and issuing PUT HTTP requests to perform update REST calls. It seems as if you can only upload whole files using this method.

When using POST, data can be passed in. Unfortunately I seem to be left with no option other than to use a POST HTTP verb with a queryString flag saying something like 'reallyAPut=true' so that i can then retrieve the data and act on it in an 'update' way rather than a 'create' way.

Has anyone else noticed this 'problem' with cURL? How does Restlet handle this again (memory is fading now)?

Thanks guys,

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