Rob Heittman <rob.heittman <at>> writes:
> Be sure to do this in your Component constructor or another appropriate spot:
> getClients().add(Protocol.CLAP);

   thanks very much for your reply. At you'll note, I am extending Application
and launching this with ServletServlet. That is, I'm not explicitly creating a
Component. So I have two follow ups:

1. If I do create a Component, how do I set up web.xml to launch the Component.


2. If I stick to Application and ServletServlet, where is the "appropriate spot"
to add the Protocol.CLAP... in the context directives of web.xml?
> Then you want something like:
> Directory directory = new Directory(getContext(), "clap://system/images/");

Ok, thanks - I will experiment. And thanks too for the info on caching.

Still poring through the APIs, examples, recipies and googling. Hmmm...
BTW, I am using: 1.0.10 (vice testing or svn suck).

Thanks again!


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