Hi Thierry 

I have discovered why tunneling does not work for me. I am using a client that 
does not support passing a query string with POSTS , instead every parameter i 
specify in the query string is sent in the request body. 
I dont think the restlet supports that right ? 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thierry Boileau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org 
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:29:17 PM (GMT+0200) Auto-Detected 
Subject: Re: Using Tunneling Service and tunneling filter 

Hello shoukri kattan, 

>trying to send method=PUT doesnt invoke handlePut but handleGet 
The tunnelFilter relies only on query parameters not on the entity sent 
via the POST request. That is to say, the requested resource URI should 
be more or less: 

This point is written in the javadocs of the TunnelService class, but 
should be clearly precised. 

best regards, 
Thierry Boileau 

[1] http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.0/faq#19 
> Hi, 
> I have been trying to get the HTTP method tunneling in restlet 1.0 
> running but i havent been able to do this. The Restlet is configured 
> as follows : 
> Restlet running from Tomcat Servlet container : 
> a Server Servlet mapped to /rest/* 
> An Application defined in web.xml which servers as the root application. 
> Create root method of the application creates a router and attaches a 
> number of resources to it. 
> trying to send method=PUT doesnt invoke handlePut but handleGet 
> Trying to call setTunnelService(new TunnelService(true,true,true)); in 
> the application constructor after calling super constructor has no 
> effect . 
> What am i doing wrong, and how to get tunneling working ? 
> Thank you very much 
> Shoukry Kattan 

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