Some copy & paste errors, corrected below


Hi I'm in the process of upgrading our application from rest 1.0 to rest


I have created a restlet.xml file as follows


<?xml version="1.0"?>

 <component xmlns="";




       <attach uriPattern="/content" 

                  targetClass="some.package.SomeClass" />

       <attach uriPattern="/service" 

                  targetClass="some.other.package.SomeOtherClass" />




Problem is that when the server starts and I send in a request, I see the
following in the log file


[INFO] 2008-08-27 20:22:42,291 INFO [/app] - rest: [Noelios Restlet Engine]
- Attaching restlet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to URI:

[INFO] 2008-08-27 20:22:42,291 INFO [/app] - rest: [Noelios Restlet Engine]
- Attaching restlet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to URI:


Which is leading to a 404, as I was expecting the uriPattern to be matching
/app/service or /app/content not /app/service/service or


I am somewhat new to the innerworkings of restlet, so any pointers would be
greatly appreciated






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