Hi Roman,

Roman Geus wrote:
Hello Bruno

I'm sorry about not paying more attention to the licensing issues. I meant no harm and I am certainly not trying to take credit for your work. Just to explain: the code I posted is not a quick rip-off of your filter. I put considerable amount of time into rewriting, refactoring and adding new functionality. It was my understanding that NegotiateFilter would not fall into category of "redistribution" or "modification" of your SpnegoFilter and thus not violate the copyright. However I'm not experienced in these legal matters.

Don't worry, I'm not upset, it's nice of you to have acknowledged my work and I do realise you've done some substantial work on this too. It's some code that I've planned to contribute to Restlet anyway at some point, so it's not a major issue, but I have signed the Restlet JCA; I'm not sure you have.

I'm not a legal expert either, but I think it would have been in your interest to send your code with a licence (pending JCA integration), since many people might assume that what is made public is in the public domain (although I don't think it legally is -- it's probably the opposite, but a licence would clarify things). This is in fact why I put this licence on my code in the first place (also because the copyright is actually held by my employer), not because I didn't want it in the Restlet code.

My understanding of the (BSD) licence I've used is that putting it at the bottom of the README file saying something like "some of this code was based on code distributed with this licence: ..." would have been sufficient. As the (representative of the) copyright holder, this is something that only I (or another representative) can waive when contributing through the Restlet JCA, which I'm happy to do in this instance.



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