Mail sent on the 09/10 and apparently lost.

Hello Duong,

what kind of problem are you experiencing with the creation of directories?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I don't mean to throw a wet blanket on the GWT discussion, but my
(limited) impression of GWT was that it was trying to abstract away
the web, rather than embrace it. Rather than dealing with loosely
coupled services, resources, and representations, it wraps everything
into a nice tidy Java API that would be familiar to Swing and RPC
service developers. I certainly think there's a good place for
frameworks like these (just look at the popularity of GWT), but trying
to adapt it to a REST world sounds like you're barking up the wrong
I'd love to hear other points of view, though.



I am exiting with both GWT and Restlet, but have not had time to look at
Reslet-GWT API for client side. On the GWT front, the cited tutorial
demonstrates a new Java overlay integration between Java and JavaScripts
via JSONP. Last time, i looked at the Restlet there is
org.restlet.ext.json_2.0 extension that i plan to dive into. I still
have issue with creating directory resource using
com.noelios.restlet.ext.servlet.ServerServlet in Tomcat 6. The directory
resource work fine under Restlet component server. Please let me know if
anyone has made it work under tomcat or glassfish v3.

BTW, i think Restlet is exiting, so does GWT-1.5. Is there any example
to show server-side Restlet JSON service, even better to integrate with
GWT 1.5 JSONP using Java overlay? My strategy is to separate client-side
and server-side services so my server is only 1 of many possible service
sources for GWT mashup, where GWT application is compiled and served
under directory resource of Restlet under a Servlet engine available at
hosted sides such as GoDaddy. Is it a recommended practice? I can take
criticism so please share your experience.

Duong Batien
DBGROUPS and BudhNet

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Mark Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does someone have a single snippet of code that shows how the Restlet-GWT
API would work with the GWT tutorial w/RPC in StockWatcher?  Pseudo code
would be fine.
That is, what would the -Async and Service interface look like, and what
part, if any, do annotations like @RemoteServiceRelativePath("stockPrices")
play when using Restlet-GWT?

On Sep 8, 2008, at 6:14 AM, Rob Heittman wrote:

Restlet's GWT (Server) Extension, being just a wrapper around ServerServlet
that can also pass calls to the GWT Hosted Mode adapter, is one small class
file that has been in 1.1 milestone builds for almost a year now.  My
company uses it in a number of large production and in-development
applications.  These do not use Restlet-GWT API yet (though we are starting
to port), but use GWT's built in facilities or JSNI to talk to a
Restlet-powered server.

The Restlet-GWT API (the port of the core Restlet API to work under GWT 1.5)
was a much larger undertaking afflicted by a lot of design complexity, the
moving target of GWT 1.5, and requiring the wisdom and time of Jerome, the
Restlet project founder, to accomplish.
- Rob

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Mark Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you for the kind and speedy response, Rob.
I intend to spend the week, and then some, on this subject, and would be
happy to receive any guidance or code you can muster.  In return, I can post
my newcomer questions and results.
I'm curious:  how is it that the hosted mode Restlet GWT Extension is
heavily exercised, but the Restlet-GWT API is not?  And what is the
difference again?
On Sep 7, 2008, at 8:10 PM, Rob Heittman wrote:

Hi Mark, I've been working on a longish example ("Chesstlet") that pulls
together a number of Restlet and GWT techniques, but this won't be ready
until November, due to some commitments I have in early October that
complicate my availability.  In the meantime, maybe the best thing to do
would be to pull together a small illustration based on the test case
already in the Restlet source -- just beefing it up to do some useful things
beyond hello, world.  I will try to get that together (or ask someone else
at the office to do so) in the next day or two.

The Restlet-GWT API is still largely unexercised (as opposed to the
Restlet GWT Extension, which is just the hosted mode wrapper for
ServerServlet, which is very heavily exercised) so we are discovering all
sorts of new issues as we try it out.  So you should probably be working
from a Restlet snapshot to pick up all the latest commits.  I think the
latest important thing was an infinite recursion that Thierry removed.  Now
that GWT 1.5 is final and we don't have to chase a moving target any more,
it will be easier to stabilize this.
- Rob
On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Mark Petrovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Good day.  I'm new here, but not new to Java and its supporting

I'm embarking on teaching myself GWT using Restlets, neither of which I
have programmed before, although I have read the documentation for each.  I
know that at the time the Restlet-GWT code was released, a whopping 6 weeks
ago :-), there were no examples illustrating its use.  Perhaps there are
snippets of examples the community can share now, some weeks after the
release.  If you have such examples, I would be quite grateful to study
them, as would be, I'm sure, other newcomers to these subjects.  I am
particularly interested in running the server side using the Restlet NET

All the pieces are in front of me; at this point a few well placed
examples would help bring it all together.

Thank you.

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