I've only briefly search the history...but, I can't imagine I'm the first
one to try and do this.

I have a ReST application that processes an incoming URL and returns a
generic status on the incoming URL-fetch.  I'd like to be able to harness
the remote fetch locally via a test setup of a static file.  Here's what I
think I want to do:

public static void setUpServer() throws Exception {

    // Create a new Component.

    component = new Component();

    // Add a new HTTP server listening on port 8182.

component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);

    // Attach the sample application.


    new AutomagicApplication(component.getContext()));

    // Create an application

    Application test = new Application(component.getContext()) {

        public Restlet createRoot() {

            return new

    component.getDefaultHost().attach("test", test);

    // Start the component.



Then in my test code I retrieve a file from that directory.  I'm definitely
not sure about not having an absolute path for the ROOT_URI.  I don't want
to have to go to the root, because every dever's machine or integration
environment is different.  Any insight?  Thoughts?


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