
>what that result.tmpl file contains?
actually, result.tmpl intends to be a freemarker template.

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


what that result.tmpl file contains? is there a way to load ftl files using CLAP, from web application context, like i am planning to store files either in WEB-INF or classes folder.

Thanks for your help.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Thierry Boileau (via Nabble) <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://n2.nabble.com/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=1512866&i=0>> wrote:


    >File templateDir=new File("clap:///template");
    I don't think a java.io.File can be instantiated with a CLAP URI
    (CLAP is a pure Restlet concept). I just suggested you to create a
    FileRepresentation from either a CLAP or a WAR URI in order to
    return a Representation of a file.

    If you want to build your HTML representations with Freemarker,
    you can
     - create a TemplateRepresentation with it's template name, which
    requires you to set up the Freemarker configuration as you do but
    with a
    standard directory => File templateDir = new
     - or create a TemplateRepresentation from a Representation of the
    template. For example:
    result = new TemplateRepresentation(new
    configme(), getItem(), MediaType.TEXT_HTML );

    I hope this will help you.

    Best regards,
    Thierry Boileau
-- Restlet ~ Core developer ~ http://www.restlet.org
    Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~ http://www.noelios.com

    > Hi Thierry,
    >             Thanks for your reply, i tried to get the files from
    > using CLAP.i have "template" directory in the classpath. but it
    is still not
    > able to read the files in that folder.actually i am trying to
    use freemarker
    > template files stored in my classpath to render output.
    > code is ...
    > public Representation getRepresentation(Variant variant) {
    > Representation result = null;
    > if (variant.getMediaType().equals(MediaType.TEXT_HTML)) {
    > try {
    > //  page.buildFromBackend(getRequest());
    > result = new TemplateRepresentation(getTemplateName(),
    > configme(), getItem(),
    > MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
    > }
    > ---
    > }
    > return result;
    > }
    > Configuration configme() throws IOException{
    > Configuration config=null;
    > config=new Configuration();
    > File templateDir=new File("clap:///template");
    > TemplateLoader fileTemplateLoader=new
    > config.setTemplateLoader(fileTemplateLoader);
    > return config;
    > }
    > String getTemplateName() { return "oneitem.ftl"; }
    > Stack Trace :
    > java.io.FileNotFoundException: clap:\template does not exist.
    > at

    > at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    > at

    > ---
    > ---
    > please help me .. Thanks
    > Thierry Boileau wrote:
> >> Hello,
    >> you can use the WAR protocol scheme (used for serving files
    from a war
    >> application deployed inside a servlet container), or the CLAP one
    >> (looks for "files" from the classpath).
    >> For example, if your "items" directory is located just under the
    >> "Web-Content" directory:
    >> FileRepresentation rep=new
    >> FileRepresentation("war:///items/result.jsp",MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
    >> I would like to precise the FileRepresentation simply gets the
    >> of the targetted file.
>> >>
    >> Best regards,
    >> Thierry Boileau
    >> --
    >>  Restlet
>> ~ Core developer ~ http://www.restlet.org >> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~ http://www.noelios.com >>
    >>       I am trying to create a web application with restlet. how
    can i call
    >> a
    >> file in the web application (using relative path).
    >> I went through documentation of restlet, there creating html
    content in
    >> the
    >> Resource class was explained as shown here.
    >> getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED);
    >> String result="<h3>Item Created. </h3>";
    >> result += " <p>use <br>
    >> http://localhost:8080/itemRestlet/itemapp/items <br>in
    >> a new browser instance to see the data.</p>";
    >> Representation rep = new
    >>         The FileRepresentation class can take path of the file
    you want to
    >> invoke and content type, but here the problem is trying to locate
    >> result.jsp
    >> in the webserver installation directory rather than in webapp.
    >>  FileRepresentation rep=new
    >> FileRepresentation("items/result.jsp",MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
    >>         Can any one please help me to invoke this result.jsp
    from a
    >> resource?
    >> I am trying to invoke a html/jsp page from web application from a
    >> resource....help me please

View this message in context: Re: refering a web app file with FileRepresentation <http://n2.nabble.com/refering-a-web-app-file-with-FileRepresentation-tp1493159p1512866.html> Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive <http://n2.nabble.com/Restlet-Discuss-f1400322.html> at Nabble.com.

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