I've read old messages here that dealt with serving up static pages using 
Restlets, but none of the suggestions seem to work for me. I was wondering if 
somebody could please take a look at my code and find what I'm doing wrong.

I'm playing with the FirstResource application to also allow it to serve up an 
index.html page. I'm deploying the application as a servlet using Tomcat. Below 
is my code:

Router router = new Router(getContext());

String path = servletCtxt.getRealPath(".");
int last = path.lastIndexOf(".");
String appPath = "file:///" + path.substring(0, last).replace('\\', '/');

Directory indexDir = new Directory(ctxt, new LocalReference(appPath));
router.attach("/", indexDir);

// Defines a route for the resource "list of items"
router.attach("/items", ItemsResource.class);
// Defines a route for the resource "item"
router.attach("/items/{itemName}", ItemResource.class);

I'm continually getting a 404 error code. Below are the lines from Catalina's 
log file

Dec 5, 2008 11:09:38 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of 
client connectors. (FILE)
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:38 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of 
client connectors. (FILE)
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:38 AM com.noelios.restlet.LogFilter afterHandle
INFO: 2008-12-05        11:09:38       -       
8080    GET     /RestletFirstResource/  -       404     330     -       31      
http://localhost:8080   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; 
rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4      -
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:43 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of 
client connectors. (FILE)
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:43 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of 
client connectors. (FILE)
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:43 AM com.noelios.restlet.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of 
client connectors. (FILE)
Dec 5, 2008 11:09:43 AM com.noelios.restlet.LogFilter afterHandle
INFO: 2008-12-05        11:09:43       -       
8080    GET     /RestletFirstResource/index.html        -       404     330     
-       16      http://localhost:8080   Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 
5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4      -

Any help is appreciated.



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