
The missing file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\.keystore contains data for 
the the encryption. Take a look at 

best regards

> Hi all,
> I tried using a trial SSL certificate for securing my test application.
> I got following error -
> INFO: Starting the Grizzly [HTTP] server
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\.keystore (The 
> system cannot find the file specified)
>       at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
>       at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
>       at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
>       at 
> com.noelios.restlet.ext.grizzly.HttpsServerHelper.configure(HttpsServerHelper.java:155)
>       at 
> com.noelios.restlet.ext.grizzly.GrizzlyServerHelper.start(GrizzlyServerHelper.java:102)
>       at org.restlet.Server.start(Server.java:383)
>       at org.restlet.Component.startServers(Component.java:1233)
>       at org.restlet.Component.start(Component.java:1194)
>       at restservice.InputDataWebService.main(InputDataWebService.java:37)
> Can anyone tell me what am i missing here?
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