On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Jerome Louvel

>  Did you have a chance to check the updated resource API design?
> http://wiki.restlet.org/developers/172-restlet/226-restlet.html

It looks good to me. My only concern is that in the attempt to be consistent
with JAX-RS, you're giving up an opportunity for more compile-time checking.

If the annotation parameter type for @Get, @Post, @Put was something like

  Class<? extends MediaType>

instead of


it would cut down on the bugs related to typos in those parameters.  You
could provide common variants as subclasses of MediaType and let users
provide their own.  As a fallback to the other style, you could have a
special subclass that uses an optional String[] parameter to convey the
media type(s).

Using those ideas, one could rewrite the example on the refactoring page as:

public Feed toAtom() {
    // ...
    return null;

public Representation toXml() {
    // ...
    return null;

public Representation accept(Document entity) {
    // ...
    return null;

@Put(StringArrayType.class, type="atom") // fallback to String[] style
public void storeAtom(Feed feed) {
    // ...

public void storeXml(InputStream stream) {
    // ...

public void removeAll() {
    // ...

I bet most people would want to know at compile-time that they'd written
@Put(XmlAplicationType.class) instead of learning at run-time (if ever) that
they'd written @Put("application/custom_xml") (See the underscore instead of
the plus sign? I would probably miss it.)

I'm not sure why JAX-RS didn't do this in the first place.  Any idea why
they went with easily mistyped string values as arguments to the



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