On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Rhett Sutphin
<rh...@detailedbalance.net> wrote:

> This would be an RFE (at least, I'm not aware of any way to get it to
> work currently).  I'm curious about how you would tie the resources in
> your application context to the WADL.  Would you add a custom
> attribute for the spring bean id?  Is there a WADL feature which would
> help with this?  I'm not that familiar with it.
> Rhett


The current way WADL works in Restlet is to require implementors to
specify the class of the resource you want to map a WADL resource to
using the resource's id attribute. You then pass the the WADL xml as a
constructor argument to a WadlComponent or WadlApplication. You can
see an example of this in org.restlet.test.YahooSearch.wadl (omitting
the details in the example below):

  <resources base="http://api.search.yahoo.com/NewsSearchService/V1/";>
    <resource id="org.restlet.test.NewsSearchResource" path="newsSearch">

It would be cool if you could do something similar but instead of
passing a Resource class (and be stuck using the default constructor
etc.), instead use a Spring Bean id as the resource id in WADL, and
have restlet use spring to wire all the resources together, thus
getting all the benefits of IOC, while also being able to more
explicitly state your resource interface in a standard method.

Anyway i can open an RFE if necessary, but I wanted to ask on the list first.




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