I am having a little hard time understanding the real benefit of using the 
Grizzly NIO with Restlet. (or the way I am suppose to use, to be more 
Lets assume I have a Resource that does a long I/O (that talks to an 
external server through a socket connection) and process what returns from 
external server so that the Resource  returns some StringRepresentation as a 
result. Assuming a fresh new thread is created for each Resource and for the 
socket connection to the external server.
What would be the real benefit of switching to Grizzly I/O Server and how 
should this be accomplished. Should only using the Grizzly Connector improve 
performance since the server will handle the NIO or should I change the 
current code to implement some Reactor pattern?

Any help is highly appreciated.

From: "Stephan Koops" <stephan.ko...@web.de>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 5:35 PM
To: <discuss@restlet.tigris.org>
Subject: Re: Grizzly NIO examples

> Hi Bora,
> normaly just put the connector in the classpath and everything is done ...
> best regards
>   Stephan
> bora schrieb:
>> Being also new to Grizzly,
>> I couldn't even came across any unit tests on the usage of Grizzly NIO
>> Connector.
>> Is there any documentation on how to use the connector.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Bora
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1228992


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