
this may be because the UserResource does not handle POST requests.
Did you try to rename UserResource#storeRepresentation to 

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Hi,
>    I changed the Bookmark example 
> C:\restlet-1.1.4\src\org.restlet.example\org\restlet\example\book\rest\ch7\ApplicationTest.java
>  from Put to Post in putUser method as shown below:
> public static void putUser(String userName, String password,
>             String fullName, String email) {
>         final Form form = new Form();
>         form.add("user[password]", password);
>         form.add("user[full_name]", fullName);
>         form.add("user[email]", email);
>         final Response resp = new Client(Protocol.HTTP).post(
>                 getUserUri(userName), form.getWebRepresentation());
>         System.out.println(resp.getStatus());
>     }
> But now when I'm trying to add user, it throws error "Internal Server Error 
> (500) - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it 
> from fulfilling the request" 
> I'm using stable restlet 1.1.7. Can you please tell me if its a bug or what 
> I'm doing wrong???
> Thanks!
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1733294


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