Hi Tim,

The biggest APP user I know is Google, with practically all of its API
using the Google Data (GData) protocol. It's basically a extended
version of APP, most due to practicality reasons prevailing over
idealistic (i.e. "pure" APP).

GData puts some extensive stress testing on APP, i.e. Using advanced
features such as querying and returning different serialization
formats not just Atom+XML, but manages to adhere to fundamental
principles of APP.

Aside from Google's own "proprietary" auth mechanism (which I think
can be replaced with Oauth for general masses), I think Google's use
of GData/APP is a good example of APP in the real world.

On 7/18/09, Tim Peierls <t...@peierls.net> wrote:
> Some rambling newbie Restlet design questions:
> Background: I'm in the preliminary stages of a ground-up redesign of an
> existing non-Restlet application. I'm (naturally) convinced that Restlet is
> the way to go for this redesign, and I'm pretty sure I want the UI to be
> GWT-based. So far so good ... GWT-Restlet is alive and well. (And I'll get
> cracking on a Restlet-Guice extension before too long, or not, depending on
> how you define "too".)
> My analysis of the existing application keeps leading me to the Atom
> Publishing Protocol, because the key elements of that application "feel"
> like collections of publishable/updatable resources (and collections of such
> collections). It doesn't fit the canonical examples of APP, however, which
> leads to my first questions: Does anyone know of APP being used successfully
> outside of the usual document/news item examples that everyone uses to
> explain it? If so, what criteria would you use to determine whether APP is
> really appropriate to my resource design?
> I'm sort of hoping the answer is a resounding yes to this, in which case my
> second question is: If I want to design my application around APP but I
> don't intend to use a file-based storage system like eXist, what does
> Atomojo have for me that the Restlet Atom extension doesn't? Is there
> something else that I should know about?
> --tim
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2372142

Sent from my mobile device

Best regards,
Hendy Irawan
http://www.hendyirawan.com/ :: he...@soluvas.com


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